Sunday, November 8, 2009
Hello everybody!
So, I want you to think about something. If there was one thing out there, besides someone else doing it for you, that would help you lose weight, or keep it off, what would that be? I am always looking for more ideas to add to the website. After all, the website is designed to help you (and me) on our weight loss journey. If you got things you'd like to see, let me know.
What do you think about a place where we could find weight loss buddies that we could email to get extra motivation? Kind of like weight loss pen-pals... I have ideas on how this could be done... But only if you're interested in something like that.
This is it ladies (and gentlemen). The time to do this is NOW! So, help me help you. Let me know if there is anything I can do, or put on the website to help.
Love you all. Skinny vibes!
Marie (onww4life)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
September 2, 2009
Sorry it has taken me so long to write here. As you know, a lot of things are happening that keeps me from getting on here when I want to. But I hope everyone had a great summer. For those that had difficulty following the WW program during the summer, as that can be a challenge in itself, it's time to get busy and back on program! Pull out the food tracker and start tracking your food again.
I also heard a comment today from my WW leader that I thought was really good, and unfortunately, the truth. We were talking about portion control. So for those that don't feel they need to measure their food, remember this. As the portions grow, we grow. Pretty profound. Because it's true. After awhile, we've been on program for so long, we tend to toss the scale aside figuring we can do it without it. And at the beginning, perhaps that is true. But, after awhile, the portions start growing, and what do you know. The progress at the scale shows it. As the portions grow, we grow. Remember that. And recognize, it doesn't take long to write down what you eat as well as measure your food. Aren't you worth it?
I feel we all are. That is the reason I still attend meetings faithly. Even if I had to pay, I would make it a priority in my life. Isn't it better to do it now? Later never comes. And if it does, wouldn't it be better to do it at today's prices instead of what it will be like years down the road? Plus, what you need to lose now, would probably be more the longer you wait. Just food for thought. But that is probably a bad phrase to use, considering this is all about us and weight watchers. :-)
If anyone is on facebook, you can look me up, using If you're needing help with accountability, it'd be a good place to stay in contact. Remember, I'm there with you, as we're all on the same path. We're just on different parts of the path, as we all go along our journey. But I know, that no matter where on the weight loss path you are, it can be a daily struggle, whether you need to lose or you are maintaining. So it's always nice to have a weight loss buddy to hold you (and me) accountable.
It's almost Labor Day. Plan what you're going to eat now. Got a picnic or potluck to go to? Bring things you can eat. That way there is at least something you can eat within program. And remember to, just sample things, if you find things tempting. No need to feel like you can't have what is there. But by just sampling, you get a little bit of the things you like, and you're less likely to overinduldge. As you know, with sampling, you could still go over your points. But, you're accomplishing the fact that you are not depriving yourself (so you're more apt to eat healthier than you would have before), and you are not going to go over your points, like you would have in the past. That in itself, is a giant step in learning to eat healthy for life. And if you do over induldge by sampling, don't feel guilty. Enjoy, recognize the progress you have made, and move on.
By the way. If you want to start eating healthier by cutting out some red meat, read Robin Cook's "Toxin". It's an excellent book, and I guarantee, you'll never have to worry about eating hamburger again. I just read it again for about the 3rd time. It is an excellent book. It took me years to eat hamburger after the last time I read it. This time, I may never eat it again. It's worth reading. The sad part is, everything in the book is the truth. That is what is scary. Go get a copy and read it. Then come on here and let me know if you're ready to go out and get a hamburger. Chances are, I know what your answer would be.
Have a wonderful and safe Labor day everyone. And skinny vibes to all.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
July 11, 2009
As I weighed in this week, at my all time low of 119, I got to thinking a lot about it and why I can't seem to go back up to my healthy weight range. I came up with this conclusion. The weight I lost, is the extra baggage I've been carrying around for a long long time. I'm talking the emotional baggage. And I think I can't gain it back, because I've released that baggage and refuse to have it control my life any more.
I think that's true for a lot of us in a sense. Maybe, just maybe, there is more to our weight issues than just overeating, as people like to think. I think, when we are truly ready to shed the weight, it will happen, when we release the control it has over us. Once we become one with it, and release it's control, the weight will come off.
It's not an overnight process. It took me 14 years to release my extra baggage of things I was holding on to, that wasn't healthy for me. I let a certain thing control my life for 14 long years. But when the divorce started moving along, I held a ceremony. And I released it all and told it, "you don't serve me any more". And, for the first time in 14 years, I started getting my life back. Obviously, the divorce is not what I held on to for 14 years because otherwise, we'd hold the record for the longest filing of a divorce in history. It's something else. But the divorce opened the door allowing the emotional things that had been destroying me little by little to go. And when I held that ceremony, it all went.
It's not to say that other things won't come in and replace it. I'm going through some things right now, in addition to the divorce, that is just as unhealthy for my weight. But I am working day by day, minute by minute, not allowing it to control and consume me. Yes, it affects the weight. It made me lose 5 lbs in 1 day. But I think, once I can learn to just release and let go of these stressful situations that happen (and they will because we are in this thing called 'life'), that everything else will fall into place.
So let's declare our thindependence AND our independence of the control our weight has over us, and just release it and let it go, and know that once we do, we will have our lives back and be at the weight we need to be at.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Good morning!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
I forgot to add...
I guess that is good ???
June 10, 2009
Just wanted to let you know, that Vegas is great! Got a chance to meet up with some online WW friends and had a blast.
Have a great day everyone!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
May 20, 2009
I always thought of myself as an emotional eater. Usually, I eat anything in sight. There's only one time in my life that I can recall, where it was the type of stress that made you lose your appetite and food made you ill to even think about. That is, up until now. 14 years later, and the big stress #2 kicks in.
My DH (yes, I still call him dear, as he will always be my best friend) came home for a visit less than a month ago. (if you didn't know, he lives 3 1/2 hrs away due to a job promotion and he moved away 2 1/2 years ago). He asked for a divorce.
If you haven't been through a divorce, it's about the exact same as a death. In a sense it is. It means an end. A finale. For us, it is an end to 24 years of marriage. The sad part is, I do not blame him. The other sad part is, he is the absolute love of my life and I'm going to miss him with every ounce of my being... ALWAYS. And, I wish I could take back every mistake I ever made in this marriage, because he is still worth it.
I do recognize, that it takes two to make a marriage work, and it takes two to make a divorce. So while he may not recognize it, I know that we both made mistakes that led to this point. I would never want it to go back to the way it was. That is what brought us here. But a rebirth of a new beginning together would be heaven.
The one thing I've learned, is that divorces are ALWAYS based upon the past. So, being the future isn't written yet, anything is possible.
Unless you are the one initiating the divorce, divorce equals no appetite. Which doesn't help someone like me that is about 11 lbs now under my low end of my weight range.
I guess the good in this, is that I am going to quit smoking. I don't have much of an option. I'll be supporting my kids for the most part, with help from them, and I can't have them go hungry, in order for me to feed a habit. I'm working with the doctor on this, so wish me well. And stay out of my way and don't take it personal if I become a b***h for a while... lol
Love you all. Have a great skinny day and thank you for letting me vent.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I will be on here when I can, but know that you can always email me for support and any questions you might have to help you on your journey.
For now, just take this journey one day at a time, and as slow as it may appear to go, just know it's all good. Embrace every ounce, and embrace everything in your life. Every day is a blessing, even if we don't always see it.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
April 28, 2009
As the weather gets warmer, what a wonderful opportunity to go walking more and earning some activity points.
Personally, I've never been too fond of exercise. I mean it's hard work! But, when Weight Watchers started that Walk-In Challenge, I can't believe how excited I was at the prospect of starting.
First, I used the coupon they gave us to buy a WW pedometer. It's great. Not 100% accurate, but closer than others. So none are completely accurate. And it's not enough to say, "oh my, I can't get this because I walked 10,000 more steps than it says". No, that's not the case. As I said, it's pretty close. And for $18, why not. It has a stop watch, an activity point giver thing (not sure what it's called, but it's where you put it on this, for a particular event, like a 5K, and it calculates your points). I put it on the all day mode, to see how many steps I get in during the day. Sometimes I don't get enough in to earn an Activity point, but that's okay. I'm still walking more than I used to.
I put the word out online about a walking group I was starting, and the ladies I have met are absolutely wonderful. And we have fun walking. So it takes the work out of exercise. We set it up for in the morning, so we can continue to do this, even after the heat sets in. That's the ONLY drawback, is I'd like to hit my snooze button instead of get out of bed. But the ladies keep me motivated to through off the covers and go walking.
I planted a garden, so been working out there every day. I water by hand with a watering can, to keep weeds in control. I've actually got a couple peppers ready to plant, and this morning I saw a couple zucchini's. I can't wait. I love fresh vegetables. And I actually enjoy going out to pull and hoe weeds. I don't count it as activity points, as I figure it's just an added bonus earning some activity and not eating to counter-act it. But that's my opinion. (And I'm sticking to it)
I'll be off work Friday and Saturday of this week, because I'm meeting Nay (a WW online member) and Cyndy (another online WW member) for dinner on Friday. I can't wait. I have met Nay once before about a month and a half ago, but I have never met Cyndy before. I feel like a school girl, getting giggly as the day comes closer.
While I'm off work on my days off, I will be also working on my website. Any suggestions? Anything you'd like to see added?
I had my WW meeting yesterday. While my doctor wrote me a 'prescription' to keep going to WW and lowered my low end of my range to 124, he does want me to gain some. So he will be happy, as I gained 3.4 lbs this week, bringing me up to 127.2 lbs. Maybe from all the walking and retaining fluid. Also it should be close to TOM. Plus, I added a couple points a day on most days. Not enough points for a 3.4 lb gain, but it made the people at my meeting happy, so that is good.
Have a great skinny week everybody. May you all be 'losers' this week at the scale. But if you're not, don't forget to look at the other changes in you that are happening as well. They are all important, not just what the scale says.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
There is multiple things to help you stay at goal. Weight Tracking pre-planning your meals, drinking your water, exercise, going to meeting, and so on. All these things that take just a few minutes of our day. But, there is ONE thing that keep you from doing these things that is the most important thing to learn to keep the weight off.
You see, as I was losing the weight, what I didn't realize, that was the easy part. I did all I was suppose to, or so I thought. I tracked, I pre-planned my menu's. Everything except learning that there was other things to focus on for my success other than just the scale. How many of us are addicted to stepping on the scale?
I was so busy focusing on what that scale said week to week, day to day, that I didn't take the time to learn what I needed to keep the weight off. I didn't change my habits. I temporarily replaced them because I wanted that scale to go down. But I didn't take the time to make those changes a lifestyle.
So, as you go through your weight loss journey, here is my best advice I can give you, so that hopefully it doesn't take you twenty years to finally 'get it'.
As you lose weight, certainly praise yourself every time the scale goes down. It IS worth rewarding yourself. But, if you're really into this for the long haul, don't focus all your energy on what the scale says. Know that there are going to be times that the scale barely goes down, or even goes up. Know that this isn't a quick loss program. Take all that time it takes to get to goal, to focus on changes you need to make in order to keep the weight off.
If you ever get on the scale and you're upset with the weight loss or gain, you have NOT made all the changes you need to make in your habits to keep it off.
I have devoted 20 years of my life to Weight Watchers. I joined originally 20 years ago and made lifetime. And, I let me get in the way. I can blame life, but in reality, the only thing responsible for me and what I do, is me.
Between now and the last 20 years, I have been on every Weight Watcher version that has come out. I've been on the exchange system. I've been on it when there was no fiber cap. You name the program and the color of the point calculator, and I've been on it. I didn't have to 'return' to Weight Watchers because it failed me. I kept returning because I failed it.
You'd think that during all that time, something would click inside my head as to how to keep it off. 20 years later, it finally did. And not because I wasn't shown how to do it all along. I just wasn't ready to listen.
I'm not telling you this, so that you think you will fail Weight Watchers too. I'm telling you this, because just maybe, you can learn from me and not repeat my own mistakes.
Everything I put on this website is there to try to keep you from repeating my mistakes. It is written not by a nutritionist or someone with scientific facts. It is written from the heart of someone that has, and will continue to be in your shoes. We're all on that same path. We're just at different places on the path. But we all had to start at the same place on this journey. And we all have the same ideals as to where we want this journey to take us.
Welcome! And I'm so glad you're here!